Monday, February 26, 2018

A Tiny Savage


  1. Is this so disturbing because a very young child young is so obviously adept at this? They appear too prosperous to spend much time ringing chicken necks in the yard (or on the factory floor). But then, she did steal that tidbit out of that birds mouth...

  2. I don't see anything disturbing here. a kid grabs a pigeon, gently enough that it doesn't even struggle, then gently takes the seed from it and lets it go. the pigeon STILL doesn't fly away. People freaking out about this clip can't see what is actually in front of them. Good kid.

    1. Respectfully, there isn’t much about that child’s actions I would characterize as gentle. Impressive, in a greedy, unrestrained way, yes. Demonstrating potential skill for dispatch, a thousand times, yes. But gentle, no. And that clip cuts away too quickly for us to see if the bird does, too. I know I would.



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