Thursday, January 25, 2018

Party With the Terriers on Burns Night!

Burns Night is tonight. This is the world wide holiday where they celebrate ME, and of course terriers (“towzie tykes”).

This photo is from the The Daily Herald archive and is entitled: ‘Man walking a haggis (tame) on Burns night, 1967'.

1 comment:

  1. Excerpts "Twa Dogs. A Tale." -- by Robt. Burns (Translated to Standard English)

    His locked, lettered, lovely brass collar
    Showed him the gentleman and scholar;
    But although he was of high degree,
    The fiend of pride, no pride had he;

    The other was a ploughman's collie,
    A rhyming, ranting, raving rollicking young friend,
    Who for his friend and comrade had him,
    And in his youth had Luath named him,
    After some dog in Highland song,
    Was made long past - Lord knows how long...

    Good friends Caesar, the scholarly Newfoundland, and Luath a working collie, have a long conversation about the stark contrast between the working man and wealthy land owners in 1786 Scotland. Everyone should try to swing an invite to a Burns Dinner. An unforgettable experience. Happy Burns Night, Patrick.


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