Saturday, December 30, 2017

Population Density of Egypt

To see the larger global map, of which this is but a very small sliver, click here.


  1. Sorry to be picky. PhD in geography. Maps lacking a legend are one of my pet peeves. Context matters in geography. No way to compare this map to the US population density map you showed a few days ago.
    It's worth noting that Jack Dangermond, whose wonderful donation to the Nature Conservancy you recently acknowledged, made his billions developing and marketing GIS software that allows and facilitates rational overlay and comparison of, it would be interesting to overlay maps of population density and hunting-permitted lands...or water availability and population density...or to look at various population density maps using the same scale.

  2. I didn't mean those two maps to be compared; completely different scale as you note. This is a snippet of a very good larger map that you can see and drill on here >>

    I'm a demographer by training, and population is always interesting, as it underpins almost every environmental, political, and economic decision to at least some degree.

    GIS software not only helps compare, but also helps preserve. I think GIS software could also catch a LOT of fraud (what I do for a living now), as timber cuts and crop insurance claims are routinely scammed and "ground truthing" is not something either Uncle Sam or most lawyers are very good at.


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