Friday, July 28, 2017

The Weak, Blubbery and Limp Mr. Trump

Ronald Reagan speech writer,
and now Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan writes in that paper today that "Trump Is Woody Allen Without the Humor."

The president’s primary problem as a leader is not that he is impetuous, brash or naive. It’s not that he is inexperienced, crude, an outsider. It is that he is weak and sniveling. It is that he undermines himself almost daily by ignoring traditional norms and forms of American masculinity.

He’s not strong and self-controlled, not cool and tough, not low-key and determined; he’s whiny, weepy and self-pitying. He throws himself, sobbing, on the body politic. He’s a drama queen. It was once said, sarcastically, of George H.W. Bush that he reminded everyone of her first husband. Trump must remind people of their first wife. Actually his wife, Melania, is tougher than he is with her stoicism and grace, her self-discipline and desire to show the world respect by presenting herself with dignity.

Half the president’s tweets show utter weakness. They are plaintive, shrill little cries, usually just after dawn....

It’s all whimpering accusation and finger-pointing: Nobody’s nice to me. Why don’t they appreciate me?

His public brutalizing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions isn’t strong, cool and deadly; it’s limp, lame and blubbery....

The way American men used to like seeing themselves, the template they most admired, was the strong silent type celebrated in classic mid-20th century films — Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Henry Fonda. In time the style shifted, and we wound up with the nervous and chattery. More than a decade ago the producer and writer David Chase had his Tony Soprano mourn the disappearance of the old style: “What they didn’t know is once they got Gary Cooper in touch with his feelings they wouldn’t be able to shut him up!” The new style was more like that of Woody Allen. His characters couldn’t stop talking about their emotions, their resentments and needs. They were self-justifying as they acted out their cowardice and anger....

His inability — not his refusal, but his inability — to embrace the public and rhetorical role of the presidency consistently and constructively is weak.

“It’s so easy to act presidential but that’s not gonna get it done,” Mr. Trump said the other night at a rally in Youngstown, Ohio. That is the opposite of the truth. The truth, six months in, is that he is not presidential and is not getting it done. His mad, blubbery petulance isn’t working for him but against him. If he were presidential he’d be getting it done — building momentum, gaining support. He’d be over 50%, not under 40%. He’d have health care, and more.

We close with the observation that it’s all nonstop drama and queen-for-a-day inside this hothouse of a White House. Staffers speak in their common yet somehow colorful language of their wants, their complaints. The new communications chief, Anthony Scaramucci, who in his debut came across as affable and in control of himself, went on CNN Thursday to show he’ll fit right in. He’s surrounded by “nefarious, backstabbing” leakers. “The fish stinks from the head down. But I can tell you two fish that don’t stink, and that’s me and the president.” He’s strong and well connected: “I’ve got buddies of mine in the FBI”; “ Sean Hannity is one of my closest friends.” He is constantly with the president, at dinner, on the phone, in the sauna snapping towels. I made that up. “The president and I would like to tell everybody we have a very, very good idea of who the leakers are.” Chief of Staff Reince Priebus better watch it. There are people in the White House who “think it is their job to save America from this president, okay?” So they leak. But we know who they are.

He seemed to think this diarrheic diatribe was professional, the kind of thing the big boys do with their media bros. But he came across as just another drama queen for this warring, riven, incontinent White House. As Scaramucci spoke, the historian Joshua Zeitz observed wonderingly, on Twitter: “It’s Team of Rivals but for morons.”

It is. And it stinks from the top.

Meanwhile the whole world is watching, a world that contains predators. How could they not be seeing this weakness, confusion and chaos and thinking it’s a good time to cause some trouble?


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Donald Trump showed his personality clearly while he was running for President. The majority of the Republican electorate voted for him, anyway.

    The problem isn't really with Trump.

  2. I wish this meant he's toast. Still, when the WSJ runs something this disgusted it's noteworthy. I don't subscribe to them, so thanks for a great excerpt.

  3. I approve Noonan's rejection of Trump, but it took a while. meanwhile, I abhor her use of the word "masculinity." For the love of Pete, Peggy Noonan, this is no longer 1950. Trump's problem is not that he is no Gary Cooper. hell, Hillary Clinton is not masculine, but she would do a much better job than Trump. in fact, I know some gay guys who would be much better at Presidenting. In fact, Trump's masculinity is part of his problem. it is 1950 masculinity- hey babe if you allow yourself to be alone with me without cameras present, you get what you deserve.

    if you drop the word "masculinity" and replace it with "character" that would solve yer problem, Noonan.

  4. He was pretty presidential selling arms to the Saudis and bombing Syria.

  5. Please, Peggy Noonan. do not lump one Donald Trump with sensitive and open males who also have courage and a backbone. Why take good men over the side with Trump??


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