Friday, July 07, 2017

Eddie Chapman Goes to Ground

Eddie Chapman has died of cancer. I got word last week that he was ill and in home, and I was writing him a note to thank him for all he has done for the dogs and for the working terrier world. 

Who do I send it to now?

Some years back, I described his "thin little book," The Working Jack Russell Terrier," originally published in 1985, as "one of the very best working terrier books written."

Still true.


If there's a heaven it will have fishing poles, dogs, and miles and miles of hedgerows for Eddie Chapman.

In his book, The Real Jack Russell Terrier (1993), Eddie wrote:

"As a breeder of Jack Russells, I get a steady string of enquiries for working dogs, especially from hunt terrier men, and I can state categorically that if give the choice, ninety-nine percent of hunt terrier men would buy an under 12" worker, if it was available, over a 14" one.

For the last twenty years I have always has the policy of lending out any surplus working terriers I have to other hunts. The most I had out at any one time was the season 1986/87 when I had no less than twenty-six workers on loan to different hunts up and down the country. At the start of each season I regularly get requests from hunt terrier men for the loan of a worker or two and the same request is always made with the enquiry. 'Any chance of a good small one?' and very often it's only a small one they want.

These small Jack Russells are invaluable for hunt terrier work, and not only in the South, for all hunts gets their quota of Foxes that run into those tiny ungettable places where a really small terrier can make a difference between a quick dig and an all day effort to locate the vulpine."

There you go. A simple truth simply told. God speed Eddie Chapman.


  1. I think you write two notes. One you send to his family. The second you place midway into the dirt you use to repair an appropriate sette, and hope it finds its way to him.

  2. Uncle Eddie from the sheddie as my family all called him. Had my best Jack Russel and she was still going strong at 11. He also helped my mum and dad buy and bring back from Ireland the best hunting pony ever. I owe alot to uncle Eddie!! Always missed but never forgotten xx

  3. RIP Eddie I loved your dogs and your books. Yvonne Ryan Australia

  4. I got a son of the legendary Foxwarren Sinbad from Eddie back when he was at the Monmouth. Technically, the best Russell I ever had. I ws Chairman of the South African JRT Club back then.
    What a character. R.I.P.

  5. I just saw the news of his death and was very saddened by it. I had the pleasure of spending 3 hours with Eddie at his home in England. What a wonderful informative time I had as we shared similar views as breeders of Jack Russell Terriers...Temperament and hunting ability first and foremost!
    Thanks for letting us know the cause of death and your eulogy of Eddie going to ground is priceless!
    Sharon Williams
    Cedar Hollow Jack Russell Terriers

  6. Message from Louise Threader and Ed A Chapman:

    Dad's funeral is Wednesday 9th August 2pm Cattistock Church, no flowers, donations to

    Please share this post as much as you can. LouIse & Ed Chapman

  7. I stumbled upon a small female recently whose bloodline has 4 instances of foxwarren as ggg sires
    Breeder is Ground Force NET. Texas.

  8. Owned foxwarren warrior aka jake
    ..loved and missed...dig

  9. Eddie this is your fishing buddie Tom when I go to our favourite fishing spot I talk to you. I do miss you very much and keep you in my heart always. Tom


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