Thursday, February 16, 2017

Let's Do to Horses What We Did to Shepherds

One of my friends in the U.K. has bird-dogged me to a Belgium blog at which the German Shepherd dog has been morphed from what it once looked like to what it looks like now in the show ring.

See below.

The blog's clever author then went on to morph a horse to show what that animal would look like if we did to horses what we have done to German Shepherds.

See below.

Anyone want to be a Jockey on this one?

1 comment:

  1. The morphing is interesting, but in reality, the length of the bone from stifle to hock would be the increasing, not decreasing, as it is in the illustration. And, for what it's worth, it's happened to horses: look at the big lick Tennessee Walker.


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