Friday, January 27, 2017

Coffee and Provocation

Instant Potting Soil?
Whirlpool claims that its new Zera Food Recycler can turn a week’s worth of food waste into fertilizer within 24 hours. It costs $1,000.

Feces Say We Are a Problem Species
Ancient Australian poop reveals the main culprit behind the Pleistocene extinction of megafauna in the Land Down Under was not climate change, but ... man.

Angry, Bald Apes
60 percent of primate species are currently threatened with extinction by another primate species.

Wyoming Leader Stands for Common Sense
Wyoming Senate President Eli Bebout said that he is killing a public lands transfer constitutional amendment bill that rattled sportsmen who warned the resolution would have led to eventual privatization and blocked access to the terrain.

A Donald J. Trump's IgNoble Award?
The folks at Improbable Research, which gives out the IgNoble Awards, says they have received a submission from Donald J. Trump for a mathematics paper called “Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis utilizing the theory of Alternative Facts“. In other news, Barack Obama's scholarly work was recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and in the New England Journal of Medicine.

A 1,000-Year Old Working Wind Mill
The Iranian town of Nashtifan, has windmills that have been used forever. Video.

Instant Working Wings
The Maleo is an Indonesian bird that can fly from the moment it hatches. Despite that amazing evolutionary survival mechanism, it is severely threatened and may slip into extinction.

From Coffee to Pepper
The Atlas Pepper Mill has been made in Greece using traditional manufacturing methods for more than three centuries, but it was originally designed and used to grind coffee, not pepper.

War Bride Schools?
In the 1950s, there were such things to help speed up the process of "Americanization".


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