Saturday, January 14, 2017

Coffee and Provocation

Conservationists Need to Appreciate Gamekeepers
When bird populations are trying to recover, it's often necessary to control predator populations, and no one knows how to do that better than gamekeepers.

Why Are European Dogs So Well-Behaved?
Because the folks in Europe do not look, do not touch, and do not fawn over them.

Wiping Out Lyme Disease?
CRISPR gene editing technology is a powerful new tool that could be used to make white-footed deer mice immune to the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.

Millions of American Eggs Are Headed To South Korea
In December, South Korea was forced to slaughter 15 percent of its entire poultry stock due to avian flu. The result? A shortage of eggs, and now imports from America. The good news is that we have an egg surplus!

Attack of the Killer Mice
Scientists have found the "kill switch" in a mice's brain that, when turned on, turns them into zombie-like predators.  The switch can be turned on with laser light, which means we can now create remote controlled killers out of passive wildlife and pets.

That's a Flock of Fuel
By mathematically modeling the energy saving process that occurs in flocks of birds, scientists have created algorithms that can be used to achieve energy savings of more than 30 percent in hybrid cars.

New Zealand Is Preparing to Take Back the Island
The Big Plan involves killing millions of foreigners.

Your Next Christmas Gift
Here's a book you can give to anyone, no matter what the occassion!

The Solar Mayflower
An autonomous solar boat is scheduled to recreate the Mayflower's historic voyage on its 400th anniversary. The ship will be over 32-meters long and is a joint project between Plymouth University, autonomous marine vessel company MSubs, and Shuttleworth Design, an award-winning yacht design firm. After the Atlantic crossing, the plan is for the ship to circumnavigate the globe.

Life on a Plate
We don't think of plate tectonics as being a major contributor to life on earth, but they are a massive driving force.

Birth Control Spike
IUD demand has risen 900 percent since the election of Donald Trump, as women, fearing that basic contraceptive options are going to be taken away, opt for contraception that will last longer than the president-elect.



  1. Why Are European Dogs So Well-Behaved?
    As a European settled in the US, I agree that the Disneyfication of peoples approach to dogs is part of the problem. Another factor I notice is that in the US, dogs are given obedience trainng, whereas back home we taught dogs manners.

  2. Dear Patrick,

    Yes, It's better when "But he's so cute!" people restrain themselves. (as they do at sheepdog trials). And yes it's better to let the dog learn the world than control it every moment.

    But curiously, the author is a credentialed member of the click&treat folks who has a very different conception of what dogs are and how they should be handled.



    and water is critical to tectonics


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