Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Coffee and Provocation

Bees of the Sea
Scientists have discovered that aquatic plants get pollinated by sea creatures -- tiny marine invertebrates that swarm seagrass beds -- that function similar to bees.

The Continuing Crisis
Gassy German cows blamed for barn explosion.

Dog Themed Rolling Pin for Christmas?
We have a new kitchen. I think we need this!

A Job No American Would Do?
Donald Trump's Department of Labor transition team pick is a foreign labor executive who's brought "over 40,000" cheap workers to the USA. "Veronica Birkenstock is Practical Employee Solutions, a company that boasts of having brought 'over 40,000' cheap H-2B workers from 80 countries to the USA to work in 'hospitality, landscaping, welding, and construction' for companies like Marriott and Starwood Hotels, for whom it is the 'preferred vendor'."

Genius Investment at Work
Three wind turbines installed at a cost of $107,516 in a Washington park are expected to generate $1.50 in electricity each month.

Tom Swift's Electric Rifle
Taser is an acronym for “Thomas Swift's Electric Rifle.” Inventor Jack Cover added the “A” to make the device easier to pronounce.

A Dawn Chorus on the Reef?
Fish sing a dawn chorus on the reef, just like birds do in the hedge.

Do Not Ask for Whom the Bell Tolls
The Whitechapel Bell Foundry, the oldest manufacturing company in Britain, may be about to close. Officially founded in 1570, it actually has had an unbroken line of master bellmakers dating back to 1420. The company cast the bells for both Big Ben, and the Liberty Bell.

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