Friday, December 02, 2016

Coffee and Provocation

The Queen delivers a speech on poverty.
A beaver busted into a dollar store in Charlotte Hall, Maryland, and trashed the place, including the artificial Christmas Tree display.

The Russians are having the Koreans clone genetically superior police dogs. It's like a bad James Bond movie.

Ravenous 14-Foot python caught with 3 deer in its gut.

Texas man taunts Alligator and jumps into water ... Alligator kills man.

The longest cat fence in the U.S. was just built on a Hawaiian volcano to protect nesting bird colonies.

Dolly Parton will be helping people back on their feet by donating $1,000 every month for six months to each family that lost their homes in the forest fires in Sevier County. The flames reached the doorsteps of Dollywood, but the park was spared and will reopen on Friday.

Pigeons in Barcelona are being put on the pill (nicarbazin) in an attempt to cut their numbers by 80 per cent.

Thanks Obama!
The outdoor industry will be added to the calculus of the nation’s gross domestic product in a bill headed to the President’s desk.

Big Data for Big Conservation
The US Forest Service says it hopes to use DNA collected from water to map every aquatic animal in the Western states. The resulting biodiversity map, cataloging thousands of species by population boundary, would be an enormous conservation resource.

Women, Work and the Pill
Economic empowerment and freedom got a jump start with modern contraception. Video.

Russian soldiers with dog from the center, 1914.


  1. What's the deal with the one blurred out face above the dog?

  2. RE. TX alligator: You think alcohol might have been involved? Maybe this is nature's way of telling us we don't need any more Ted Nugent wannabes.

  3. The blurred face is just someone moving.


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