Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Trump and Dogs

1 comment:

  1. He makes a very interesting point. As a life long animal lover I find it difficult to trust those who do not feel that a healthy animal kingdom is critical for all life on earth. Dogs are just the closest that most of us come to interacting with an animal on a daily basis. I was also unable to keep my own dog until later in life (although I had various jobs caring for the dogs of others). I cannot remember what my life was like before I had a pup of my own to care for. I don't want to think about my life without this best friend.

    ...and we all know that if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

    Trump's distaste for anything 'like a dog' is very telling. They obviously hold no value for him, right up there with unattractive women, or any one who isn't a '10'.


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