Friday, August 26, 2016

Coffee and Provocation

Obama to Create Largest Protected Place on Earth
President Obama is more than quadrupling the size of the Papahānaumokuākea (pronounced “Papa-ha-now-mow-koo-ah-kay-ah”) Marine National Monument in Hawaii which President George W. Bush established a decade ago. The expanded national marine monument off the coast of Hawaii will encompass 582,578 square miles of land and sea.

The New Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
President Obama has designated Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument our nation’s newest national monument and the 413th site in the national park system. Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument will permanently protect north-central Maine’s awe-inspiring mountains, forests and waters for current and future generations. The approximately 87,500 acres that make up the new national monument is rich in biodiversity and known for its outstanding opportunities to hike, canoe, hunt, fish, snowmobile, snowshoe and cross-country skiing.

The Most Ever
President Obama has protected more than 265 million acres of land and water -- more than any other President in history.

Off-grid Autonomous Tents
We need more of these.

Bite Force
What animal has the strongest bite? It looks like the saltwater crocodile beats them all.

An Unrequited Love
A tortoise ran away from home and fell in love with a drain cover.

NPR Says Goodbye to All the Comment Trolls
Comment areas have become cesspits of destructive hate, slander, tin-foil hat conspiracy theories, and ignorance.  NPR is done with them.  

Darwin Prunes Out the Inbred
A new study finds inbreeding may cause birds to sing off-key, hurting their chances of mating.

Badger Cull in UK to Control Bovine TB
The cull is on again; but still no legal hunting. If you want to know what bad wildlife management looks like, this is it. Instead of revenue flowing in from licensed hunting with a season, and bag limit, the U.K. is paying to have badgers killed at an average cost of £7,262.21 per badger.

Elon Musk Wants to Be Your Roofer
His next gambit is selling solar roofs. Not something on your roof -- the entire roof.

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