Friday, July 22, 2016

With Spade in Hand


Four year ago, Karen Cooper wrote this poem for one of her dogs, Gizzy. That dog is gone but not forgotten, because nothing loved is ever lost.

I post this poem here for Sailor and Gideon. I have had other dogs, but none were more loved that those two, who had their lives cut short.

I had a dream I saw your face
Among the branches bare.
Beside that den-you know the place,
Worked lots of quarry there.

This dream so clear-I called your name
To come and hunt again.
With spade in hand, I ran to you
You're not alone my friend.

This can't be real, I whisper loud,
I know you went away.
I held you close n kissed your face
And wished that you could stay.

So dreams are where we'll have to meet,
To play and hunt again.
With spade in hand, I'll come for you
You're not alone my friend.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely poem. They are always gone too soon, and to me that is the only downside of a life spent with dogs.


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