Thursday, June 30, 2016

Explaining Brexit in Three Songs

Many on political left in the UK and the US
are immune to self analysis.

They say they love their country, but would rather salute the idea that the majority are racist idiots rather than entertain the idea that they, on the left, have too often shown open contempt for the majority of the people in their own country.

The political left loves to say the poor, ignorant, "low-information voters" are "voting against their own economic interests".

And in that oft-repeated statement they display complete oblivion to the notion that they just insulted the very people whose support they need in order to actually govern.

Who are you calling poor and ignorant? Oh, we are knuckle draggers are we? You laugh at our track suits and sneer at our education do you? You talk a good game about tolerance and multiculturalism, but isn't it just a nice gambit to get cheap waiters and low-cost construction labor?

And around it goes.

The left says everyone who voted for Brexit is a xenophobe, even as they themselves reject tradition for the trendy, and elevate the exotic and foreign over the endemic and native.

And of course it must be "the multi-nationals" that pushed Brexit and "manipulated the ignorant poors" and never mind that it is actually the multinational corporations that love international banking and open border immigration.  It is the multinationals that love the free trade laws that allow them to send good jobs oversees where people are willing to work for a bucket of fish heads.

The idea that the people of Britain are voting against "arrogance, ignorance and greed" of the sniffing snobs on the political left, every bit as much as they are voting against the rapacious predator corporations such as AIG, is an idea that so many on the political left cannot tolerate, or even pause to consider.

"I tell you these Brexit people are so backwards and ignorant that they still have dogs without papers and hunt things in forest, field and fen. Stupid racist fuckers. How come they will not let us lead them?"


  1. The left in Britain have a problem: in recent years, they've not won very many elections. Harold Wilson in 1976 was the last one who campaigned firmly on Labour core policies and won. Then we got into the Conservative Years of Thatcher, then that one that nobody ever wants to mention: Tony Blair.

    Tony Blair was the leader of the Labour Party, and was extremely successful at winning elections, but he wasn't proper Old Labour. He won elections by realising that the Labour Party was extremely good at snatching defeat from the jaws of near-certain victory, and mainly did this by espousing ridiculous old leftie ideas in public.

    So, he set up a monitored press conference system whereby journalists who weren't publishing his line were excluded; that's career death for a political journalist. So, the press published nothing but the Word According To Tony, which was decidedly centrist with a hint of right-wing. It played very well, got him elected, but it was decidedly NOT the view of the core of the Labour Party.

    Since then, the lesson of Tony has steadfastly not been learned, and outside of Labour safe seats where the voters would vote for a sack of manure if it had a red rosette on (see also Hull and John Prescott), they have been as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip. Jeremy Corbyn represents a low even for Labour, hence the current campaign to show him the door.

    Booting out a Tory leader is considerably easier than giving a Labour leader the bum's rush, so this Labour reshuffle may take some little time. Sit back, break out the popcorn and enjoy the show.

  2. G.K Cheserton's poem; The Secret People seems eerily prescient. This is the final verse;

    We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
    Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street.
    It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
    Our wrath come after Russia’s wrath and our wrath be the worst.
    It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
    God’s scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.
    But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
    Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.

  3. eh. i guess it depends on what media you read. most of the major non-tabloid papers in denmark covered brexit with the class divide and the growing culturegap in mind.


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