Sunday, May 08, 2016

Names for Roman Dogs

"Dogs should be called by names which are not very long, so that each may obey more quickly when he is called, but they should not have shorter names than those which are pronounced in two syllables..." -- Columella.

A very nice list of Roman dog names
can be found here. A few of the better ones are below:

  • AĆ«llo. f. "Whirlwind". One of Actaeon's hounds in Ovid's Metamorphoses. ...fleet...
  • Ferox. m. "Savage". A recommended dog name in Columella’s On Agriculture.
  • Lupa. f. "She-wolf". A recommended dog name in Columella’s On Agriculture.
  • Nape. f. "Glen". One of Actaeon's hounds in Ovid's Metamorphoses. ...the wolf-dog...
  • Scylax or Skylax. m. "Puppy". In Petronius' Satyricon, the master Trimalchio claims that no one in his house loves him better than Scylax. ..."the guardian of the house and the slaves" enormous dog on a chain.

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