Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Murdering Rapist Joins Dog Breeders to Sell Fear

Every one of these dogs has some fantasy breeder attached to it, explaining to the world that their dog was bred to fight, to bite people that didn't pay their taxes, to kill lions, attack people on command, or to terrorize and bite poachers.  

Pardon me while I laugh. Any wonder why these breeds are not uniformly embraced by a public a bit fed up with large hard-wired dogs being acquired by young people with no experience, unstable lives, and no desire to actually learn the basics of dog training?

But wait, there's more!  

You see, Alan Tobin, the Irish knucklehead politician who urged the creation of these signs, is the namesake of a man famous for rape and murder.  It's true! Look it up and tell me that's not perfect.

Surely all Tobins are alike, right?  Once you've seen one Tobin, you've seen them all.

I tell you, there's enough irony here to build a bridge.


  1. Come to Oakland- the little dog park near my park has conditioned me to these breeds- 90% rescues. The aging yuppies and young hipsters around here seem (to their credit) to save gnarly looking pits. Ditto some of the homeless. Rarely are there problems- I can confidently say that I've lost my fear. Dobermans and GSDs still give me the creeps- statistically the most prolific biters...

  2. 'Bite people who don't pay taxes"? I.R.S. agents maybe but not Herr Doberman's products. Personal protection dogs all the way/

  3. People who attack tax collectors are generally people who owe taxes. 😄 Dobermans, like most dogs, will do what they are trained for. As police and military dogs they are trained to wound and maim. They ate Gregory Peck! 😳
    Pit Bull is asleep on the couch next to me. 😄

  4. Dobermans and GSDs are the most prolific biters? Not in the US. I'm curious where you get your statistics and what country they're from? Because in the US the most prolific biters are small breed dogs (Dachsunds in particular are high on any dog bite stat by breed) The most fatalities are caused by Rottweilers according to the CDC, and dog bite fatalities are very rare.

  5. Jack Russell and Dachs are right up at top for # bites.


    Severity are the bullenbeisters -- Rotts, Pitts, Boxers. I am not one to trust a Dalmatian to far until I see them a bit...


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