Tuesday, May 24, 2016

College Graduation: A Conformation Event

Most college degrees train you for nothing but conformity. If you think they train you how to think, then you have not thought. 


  1. A return to emphasis on liberal arts in undergrad curricula would, in my estimation, go a long way toward producing thoughtful graduates. Specialized majors could then be primarily provided (or enhanced) in post grad education. A look at university catalogues reveals that many technical, mathematical and scientific courses of study turn institutions of higher learning into little more than vocational schools. Require more philosophy, literature, theology, history, leadership, and public speaking. Get more balance in education.

  2. It's good most people can't think- most people are idiots. Even smart people who think are usually idiots when it comes to anything but their niche. Thinking is generally bad because any actual thought will be immediately co-opted by The Masters and used to sell cars or for another even more horrible turn of the screw. We have a whole generation brought up to believe they are special and cool and non-conformist "thinkers" and it's the most co-opted generation of all. If you have the time and inclination to think then you are probably doing OK- in real life your "thinking" is just cake...


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