Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Coffee and Provocation

Distillate of Death?
A Belgian research team says it has isolated the chemical signature of decayed human remains and hopes to use the scent to better train sniffer dogs to find dead bodies.

Donald Trump Explained
Monkeys with small testicles scream louder to compensate.

A Failure of Family Planning 
In Beijing, they have 50-lane traffic jams.

Alcoholic Kills Iditarod Dogs
A snowmobiler in an alcohol-fueled blackout, killed one, and wounded several other Iditarod dogs. Mushers Aliy Zirkle and Denali Park’s Jeff King were lucky to survive. Arnold Demoski, 26, has been arrested and charged with second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, reckless driving. and six counts of fifth-degree criminal mischief.

Tough Without a Gun
Israel Kristal, an Auschwitz survivor, age 112 and 179 days , is now the world's oldest man.

Cash-Free Korea and Sweden?
The Bank of Korea is planning to move to a “cashless society” by 2020. Instead of change, folks will get a credit on a prepaid card.  In Sweden, only about 2 percent of transactions involve cash.

Darwin Is Alive and Not Well in Florida
This is the state where stupid seems to go to die.

Massive Oaks from the Middle Ages
At least 60 giant oaks from the Middle Ages have been mapped on the grounds of Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, where Winston Churchill once lived. Four of the trees on the 120-acre 18th century estate are nine metres in diameter and date back nearly 1,000 years.  High Park was originally created by King Henry I for hunting.

Mighty Mites in Feathers
Hummingbirds can fly 1,200 miles or more without stopping.

A Freak Finds His Family
An Australian shepherd, born with two noses and abandoned by his previous owners, has been adopted by Todd Ray, the owner of the Venice Beach Freakshow in Los Angeles. Sounds like a perfect fit!  Says Todd: "The sad thing is that, at this time, people are at a place where they will let a two-nosed dog get put down before they will adopt him - only because he looks different. [Having two noses] doesn't bother him at all. As a matter of fact, it appears to come in handy when he is searching for his old chewed up ball." Toby, now two years old, is an affectionate dog who "loves hugs and playing catch" and, despite his unusual appearance, has a very happy life.


  1. Awesome article about old oak trees. Thanks for posting.

  2. Joseph Stalin- a great man- a great dictator. Still the most popular figure in Russia today- all our propaganda hasn't worked over there amongst his "victims"...


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