Monday, October 05, 2015

Coffee and Provocation

The Vanishing Country Vet

Over at Harpers, they have a very nice piece by Ted Conover about the vanishing country veterinarian. Check it out!

Stand Your Ground Fido!
A veterinarian-owned dog that bit off a 4-year old kid's ear after the out-of-control and unsupervised child went under a table to crawl on the dog's back, is fighting a euthanasia order using Florida's "stand your ground" defense.

Bacon Bits
In China, gene-editing is being used to design true micro-pigs that will remain permanently lap-size.

The Rock's Dog Dies from a Backyard Mushroom
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson's French bulldog pup, Brutus, was put to sleep after massive organ failure following the puppy swallowing a poisonous mushroom.

Squirrel Trashes Bar

The bartender says he was nuts.

Bernie Sanders is an Eisenhower-era Republican
And that's not a bad thing.

Instant Coffee Is Older Than the United States
A form of instant coffee was developed in England in 1771 but it went rancid after a short period of time, and did not sell well as a consequence

You Can Clone Your $50 Mutt for $100,000
National Public Radio has the story

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