Thursday, October 22, 2015

They're All Dead Now


The people and dogs are all dead now.


  1. Some stunning photos here, thanks for this post. The expression on Nixon's face as he looks at Checkers (I think that was his pup's name) is priceless. If you want a friend in Washington...
    I'd never seen that shot of Janis.

  2. The 3rd dog down is Ceasar owned by King Edward the 7th- who although he is supposedly a Fox terrier looks exactly like my "purebred" JRT Baxter. Interesting how little the JRT type dogs haven't changed compared to say Twain's St. Bernard which looks like a relatively functional dog compared to today's drooling mess. people used to say Janis was ugly but she looks pretty good to my 62 year old eyes...

  3. Yes, a bit of that story here, with sculpture goodness >>

  4. Interesting story- thanks for all the cool pictures- dachshunds and terriers seem to be favorites among this toney (and dead) group.

  5. I think (if I was in the soft sciences I might try to get a grant:)) that terriers appeal to a certain type of person because they are so entertaining and scrappy. They are more than just a plodding loyal friend- they are like the same rogues we like as people- they have flaws but heart to go with them. When I walk by the dog park and see the regular dogs chasing balls and hanging out I can't help but to compare to my two panting excited rat/squirrle killing maniacs. I think pits have some of that same appeal...


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