Monday, June 01, 2015

A 95 Percent Failure Rate?

It's a complete waste at both ends of the leash when it comes to the Transportation Security Administration:
An internal investigation of the Transportation Security Administration revealed security failures at dozens of the nation’s busiest airports, where undercover investigators were able to smuggle mock explosives or banned weapons through checkpoints in 95 percent of trials, ABC News learned exclusively.


  1. Heard of the Sulimov dog? Russian Aeroflot dogs supposedly the best bomb sniffers. Part jackal and self-guiding to explosives. Don;t know how much of their rep is true...

  2. The Sulimov dogs kind of help prove (to me) the point that in real life the Russians are much better at military and police stuff than us- better small arms (RPG, AK are unbeatable and cheap), better planes, better military "doctrine" (witness the genius of the Crimea takeover) better special ops and even better at winning an insurgency- they gave up in Afghanistan but kinda won in Chechnya. The Russians operate from a point of view of national self-interest unlike our politicians who are bought lock, stock and barrel by Israel and Saudi Arabia. They even have a better American news channel (RT). If we aren't able to break them with cheap oil prices our imperial dreams might crash even sooner...

  3. We use springer spaniels in the uk, at least that's what I saw coming into Liverpool St. Not seen them for a while, maybe they were no good!


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