Thursday, May 28, 2015

Coffee and Provocation

Coffee, Canines and Cortisol
Cortisol is not just related to stress -- it also related to alertness, exercise, stimulation, hunger, gender, and even time of day. Cortisol levels rise if you have to give a speech, when you go to a rock concert, when you have sex, if you smoke a joint, etc. In fact measuring cortisol in dogs may actually be meaningless since we do not know what cortisol is a measure of.  Is is stress? Anticipation? Excitement? For example, dogs that are trained with food rewards have higher cortisol levels. Does that mean the food is torture, or just that they're excited? Who knows? One thing we do know, however, is that coffee and cortisol impact each other and, for what it's worth, we may all be drinking our coffee wrong.

A Wasp Has Been Named After Harry Potter Dementor's
Right idea!

FREE Same Day Delivery With Amazon Prime 
In these cities: Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, Tampa Bay, Washington, D.C.

Dinosaur Chickens are Coming Back
Just in time for Colonel Sanders' comeback.

Will a Fake Orca Drive Off the Seals?
Time will tell.

Planned Economy Makes Largest Empty City
Ordos, in Inner Mongolia, China, was built for a city of 1.3 million, but only 2% of the city is occupied.

The Contrived Fear of Glysophate
The World Health Organization tossed out nearly every bit of reproducible evidence to suggest that Glysophate is carcinogenic.  But "... a large and long study of pesticide applicators on American farms did not find any problems." Read the rest of the story of how the WHO tossed out all of the evidence in order to justify their conclusion, and why that conclusion does not mean what it sounds like.

Five Fires for Life
Different camp fire constructions cover it all.

How to Sharpen Your Machete
Just because we need something to set up this clip of Danny Trejo.

Cell Phone Texting Fraud
A group of charlatans and con men created a scheme to charge mobile phone customers tens of millions of dollars in monthly fees for unsolicited, recurring text messages about topics such as horoscopes, celebrity gossip, and trivia facts, without the customers’ knowledge or consent -- a practice the defendants referred to as "auto-subscribing".

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