Sunday, February 08, 2015

Thank You Chris!

Chris, Pearl, and Garvey (or is that Bean?) with thistle. 
I came home tonight, and got an unexpected gift in the mailbox: an Ortovox D1 collar and receiver. A gift from Chris C. who I first took hunting some years back, but who decided he was more of a pet dog person. No problem!  Wonderful of him to "rehome" his collar and receiver.

I still use the old Deben Mark I (yes I am an old man!), so this will be a new rig to play with. I put in fresh batteries and figured it all out instantly. A nice bit of kit!

Since this little rig will track for over 120 feet (labeled 50 meters), it will likely see time on Mountain Girl who is a wide-ranger due to her five years hunting with the late, great Sailor. Back then if Mountain Girl did not range far, she would have never found before Sailor!

The new pups are coming along famously, by the way. These are very small dogs who will be able to get in anywhere. Very pleased with their progress.

There has been some recent bitch-fighting between Mountain and Moxie (all initiated by Moxie), but I think I will be able to square that corner with a little more training. We shall see! Nothing harder to deal with than two bitches fighting. This seems to be one-sided, so there is hope of cooling it down with normalization, and the gentle tapping of an ecollar to help break off Moxie's obsession.

Ortovox D1 receiver and transmitter with transmitter collar carrier.

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