Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Canine Kinetic Chemistry

Dogs are like gem stones -- they are made by God, but they are perfected by humans. A good working dog in the hands of the wrong person may never achieve its potential, while a mediocre dog may shine quite a lot in the right hands. When an extraordinary dog meets the right person, and is given the right set of experiences at the right time, what happens next is deeply rewarding for all sides. It is a kind of kinetic chemistry. It is close to magic.


  1. Sadly I've never experienced this actually digging on my dogs but every once in a while the stars line up and one of them digs a rat out of a hole- it feels great. I do have a chance to inadvertently show people the definition of "prey drive" as yesterday when my little piebald literally jumped 5 feet up the trunk of an oak for literally 8 minutes and a small crowd gathered to watch him run jump and bark incessantly at a squirrel...

  2. My Feist caught a big Gopher this morning, she is a gem along with my 3 other dogs.

  3. My Shorty, a JRT-Dachsund mix, was a great ratter.


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