Monday, January 26, 2015

Prince Of Wales

This was taken about 1911 shows Edward Prince Of Wales, and a terrier we would now call a Jack Russell, on board the HMS 'Hindustan'.


  1. The family has always been dog lovers. I believe Prince Charles also has a Jack Russell named Pooh, after the bear if you please. Ma Queen and her Corgis are legendary but I hear a Dashshund infiltrated the royal bloodlines. She also said she will no longer breed her dogs due to her age (and maybe the too long pups running around.) Seemingly nice enough people but I wouldn't want to support them.

    Debi and the Jack/Rat Pack.

  2. Looks like my Baxter- 14" high- 17 pounds. Same face, same tiny spot at the tail, same long legs. Not exactly a "hole dog" however...


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