Monday, January 26, 2015

Making Two Light Trailing Leashes for the Pups


  1. Where do you get the short black sections of tube-like material? What are they composed of? As I recall from previous descriptions, you heat them to cause them to tighten on the line.

    I have making DIY lines/leashes simply using knots, but yours look much cleaner, more professional. Nice thing is that the leash version is compact enough to easily fit in a pants pocket for use if/when needed.

  2. That's shrink tubing which you can find in the electrical section of Home Depot or whatever hardware establishment you frequent, Normally used to seal up electrical connections, but works wonderful on line like this. I sew the line together with simple need and thread (I always do a very light a crappy job and it seems to be enough) and then the shrink tubing is slid down over all.


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