Sunday, January 25, 2015

Darwin Before

I've been storing photos to a server and found this screen shot of Darwin the dog that now lives with my mother. He's in the lap of luxury now!


  1. In that latest shot with your mum, Darwin looks to have the head of a pit bull rather than an "Italian greyhound" - is that a trick of the wide angle lens, or has he really bulked up that much ? Purebred JAck Russel ?!

  2. Darwin is mostly Jack Russell with perhaps a rat terrier flown over the coop. Pedigree unknown and "mountain feist" would not be a bad description. Marley is the Italian Greyhound. Darwin weighs about 20, Marley about 10, but they are the same height. Darwin's head is a bit like a basenji, but there's no basenji in him. Important to remember basenji just means "village dog."

  3. Serious brain fade on my part over who is who, sorry !

  4. Thanks for rescuing them. This one looks very happy indeed.

    Debi and the Jack/Rat Pack


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