Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Case for Tail Docking Working Terriers

Working Terriers


  1. A bit off topic but definitely about terriers working- I took my 2 and 3 year old JRTs for a walk today and they discovered a hole of either a large rat or a ground squirrel. It was if a switch went off in the older one's head- he began digging furiously and relentlessly. The other one joined in and soon they were digging and exploring all holes and crevices in the small park we were in. The little squat one found a culvert under a road and dived right in and went through it. I was very pleasantly surprised- it was as if the genetics kicked in- I'd seen lots of prey instinct and baying but this was my first earth dog experience. Like a baby first step...

  2. The code explodes. A wonderful thing.


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