Thursday, October 16, 2014

Support the Ban -- I Do


  1. Not the kind of stuff you would find in Blue Buffalo dog food then.

  2. Hint: Di = 2 Mono = 1

  3. This one never gets old, does it?


  4. My 1st thought was water so BS.

  5. Actually I checked the analysis and the Blue Buffalo formula I looked at for dry dog food showed it could be up to 10% DHMO.

  6. No, it never gets old. Someone on FB was freaking out that trisodium phosphate is in some foods (a degreaser, and no big deal) and I suggested it might be good to learn a little about chemistry and biology. The thing to REALLY worry about was DiHydrogen Monoxide -- that stuff will kill 'ya" -- and I gave the link to >> . The reply back (they clearly did not get the joke) was that "from a newbies point of view that is a tough site to negotiate for information."

    Yes! The yuletide of chem-trails humor.


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