Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pope Says "God is Not a Magician"

Pope Francis has come out for protecting Good Original Design (God), evolution, and the Big Bang.

“God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life...

Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve....

In the Book of Genesis, God commanded Adam to name everything and to go ahead through history... This makes him responsible for creation, so that he might steward it in order to develop it until the end of time....

It is a grave sin against God the creator to destroy the environment, and scientists hold a special responsibility to protect God’s creation. Therefore the scientist, and above all the Christian scientist, must adopt the approach of posing questions regarding the future of humanity and of the earth, and, of being free and responsible, helping to prepare it and preserve it, to eliminate risks to the environment of both a natural and human nature.

But, at the same time, the scientist must be motivated by the confidence that nature hides, in her evolutionary mechanisms, potentialities for intelligence and freedom to discover and realize, to achieve the development that is in the plan of the creator.”

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