Monday, October 27, 2014

Jesus Said This?


  1. It's true. We have made God in our own image.

  2. What reminded me of this clip from a few years back was watching Alpha House (Amazon Prime show) with John Goodman (written by Gary Trudeau of Doonesbury fame) where right-wing members of Congress come in to hear a Reagan impersonator perform using direct quotes from Reagan. All the quotes are about the need to protect the environment, the need to stop corporate theft, the need to not start wars. Hysterical. They also could have added in his comments about the need for gun control (when he was Governor of California), but they didn't. ;)

  3. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Thanks for sharing this - I am not sure how I feel about Mr. Deity = and well, it is hard to really know from a 9 minute clip, but his humor is not my style…
    but it was interesting…


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