Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's OK. He Needed to Lose Weight Anyway.


  1. Oh, dear. Well, Buddha will undoubtedly forgive him. I'm not too sure about the Monks.

    Debi and the JackRatPack

  2. Anonymous2:47 AM

    this is such fun photo - and I also wanted to take a quick moment to let you know that our two labs have lost some weight over the past 6 months - thanks to a few of your different posts here on terrierman - so thx - and for our dogs - they were not getting extra calories from eating the plate left out for Buddha - but we think too many people in the house were giving them snacks and the calories were adding up. So we are more "mindful" of their intake and whew, it has really helped. thanks for your great resource here and best wishes to you and the family. :)


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