Sunday, October 26, 2014

Coyotes Chase Inmate Back to Prison

From the Muscantine, Iowa Journal:
MUSCATINE, Iowa — A Muscatine man who escaped custody during a trip to the hospital has been caught, and authorities didn't even need bloodhounds to track him down.

They got help from some coyotes instead.

Daniel Rice led Muscatine authorities on a foot chase Monday night after escaping custody. Rice, 21, whose address was last reported as 401 Colorado St., had been transported from the Muscatine County Jail to Trinity Muscatine hospital for heart-related health issues. Once there he was cuffed to the bed, but was able to pull his wrist through the handcuff, evade the transport officer and escape on foot. Rice had been wearing only a hospital gown at the time, which came off during the chase, authorities said. A warrant was issued for his arrest and authorities continued their search.

On Wednesday, Rice was taken into custody shortly after midnight by the Rock Island County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies were dispatched after receiving a call about two men being chased by a pack of wild coyotes at the Loud Thunder Forest Preserve in Illinois City, Illinois, according to Steven VenHuizen, chief deputy for the Rock Island County Sheriff's Office.

VenHuizen said Rice called dispatch using a false name to report being chased by coyotes. When deputies arrived on the scene, they recognized Rice by the description they had, and a pacemaker scar on his chest. Rice was taken into custody and transported back to the Muscatine County Jail around 8:15 p.m.

Rice has been arrested in Muscatine County three times since July on charges of theft, criminal mischief and burglary. A new charge was filed Thursday for escaping from custody, a class D felony.

Rice is being held on a $50,000 cash-only bond and a preliminary hearing has been scheduled for Monday, Nov. 3.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    ---they have been cloning bucking bulls for a while now---none, so far, as great as the 'parent', but good enough to make the ring...


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