Thursday, August 21, 2014

The RSPCA's Home for a (Very Short) Life Campaign

It turns out that the RSPCA's "home for life" campaign should more accurately be called the "home for a very short life" campaign.

As The Guardian notes:
An RSPCA ad campaign that offered to care for pets if their owner dies has escaped a ban, despite the charity admitting that almost one in five animals in the scheme are put down.

And these are the animals they kill AFTER you have gone to the RSPCA to have them write them into your will. Imagine if you had not done that!

As The Guardian notes:

The RSPCA said that its ads did not give a cast-iron guarantee that a new home would be found; instead phrases such as "do all we can" and "we'll try our very best" were used.

It added that some animals were not able to be rehomed because of health problems, or because they had an "unsound or aggressive temperament". There were also legislative barriers regarding certain breeds such as pit bull terriers.

And, as we have found out, the RSPCA's "try our very best" is pretty much a miserable "not try at all."

We've heard all this before, haven't we?

It's called killing for convenience.

The way you end up killing one out of three animals brought to you (or more!) is that you do what HSUS and PETA and Battersea do, which is you wave a wand and define the problem away. Older animal?  It has 'health problems" has has to be put down.  Staffie or working dog?  It has "temperament issues" and has to be put down. Somehow it just works out -- a miracle really -- that the RSPCA always has a few cages open and extra money lying around and people with time on their hands.  You see it's all about good management.  Rehoming an older cat or dog or a breed like a Staffie might take two weeks of work and actually cost staff and money doing home checks and advertising.  But killing it?  Two minutes and two pounds, and you never have to think about (or feed or clean up after) that animal again.


Home for Life?  Oh yes, and such a short life it may end up being.  Now, how much are you going to be writing out to the RSPCA in your will?

Oh, you do do not have a will?  Not a problem.  We have an entire DEPARTMENT that provides FREE will services.  That department is a terrific lie factory.  For example, right at the top we tell you:
If you decide to leave us a gift in your Will it means that when an animal needs us in the future we will be here to help them, or even save their life.

Complete bullshit, of course.  

The national RSPCA is out of the rehoming business and the national RSPCA, who will benefit from your legacy gift rehomes no more than 600 dogs a year.  You think yours will be one?  Good luck with that!

So how much can we put you down for?

Oh and no worries.  After you are dead, we will shift the tax burden for what you give to the RSPCA on to your family so they will actually get less.  So heads we win, and tails they lose.

And if you give us your property so that wildlife has a local sanctuary?  Be advised we may sell it and bulldoze it to the ground for housing.  You are dead.  What do you care?  Well-heeled lawyers need to get paid for suing the mounted hunts, and never mind of four out of five of those cases are lost.  RSPCA lawyers still get paid, even when they fail!

Now much can we put you down for?

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