Friday, July 18, 2014

This is Why We Can't Have Dogs Without Misery

Erin Auerbach is a flame-troller.

But don't take my word for it. Go read her piece in The Washington Post entitled, Why I’d never adopt a shelter dog again.

Here's the summary: "I went out and repeatedly got purebred brachycephalic dogs from a shelter and they ended up having health problems. I was a saint for taking care of these dogs, but I will never do it again. Instead, I am going to run out and buy more Pugs, French Bulldogs, and Boston Terriers from breeders because I think their suffering is cute. The French Bulldog I just got is not all farked up; he is from a show breeder but his spots were the wrong color for showing, so I was really lucky! Dogs from show breeders NEVER have cancer, epilepsy, arthritis, or bouts of pancreatitis. They are healthy, due to the fact that dogs must be in perfect health to participate in a dog show!"

Yes, I swear to God that is what this unresearched sack of drivel says.

Or I think it does.  It is so poorly written, it is hard to be sure.

This is what newspapers have become?  Good riddance to bad meat!

Erin Auerbach is such a poor writer and thinker she has to resort to flame-baiting to get anything in print.  Her piece for Salon was entitled "I hope my dogs die soon" which is the kind of piece you write when you have nothing intelligent to say and you are simply an attention whore.

No wonder I do not buy The Washington Post anymore, and rarely check the web site.

As for Ms. Auerbach, I hope she falls a great distance on to a sharp spike. The world is crowded and we need a great deal less of whatever it is she has to offer.


  1. She did a *little* research (or at least, she used Teh Googles for five minutes). Too bad she didn't do a little more and find out that the problems she's having with her dogs isn't source of them, but their phenotype. Maybe if she'd get a dog who wasn't brachycephalic she'd have better luck.

    Or maybe not. Her attention-seeking is at such an insane level maybe only therapy will suffice.

  2. I've read your blog off and on over the years and also watched "Pedigree Dogs Exposed" and other stuff like it and I cannot understand why anyone would buy ANY pedigree dog for anything. A friend of mine at work loves English Bulldogs and brags about how purebred and expensive they are to buy and then maintain. It's almost like buying an old sailboat or something and claiming it's almost functional and could maybe sail the seas some fantasy day. I've learned that what works are landraces- dog types of open lineage. Or breeds like the East German or Czech GSD which are carefully bred for function. Most dogs that actually do something these days are crosses or like JRTs from an open registry. Even dogs bred to simply be pets can be both snooty and healthy like the various "...doodles" and "...weenies". The very letters KC immediately make me think "weird overbred dog". I'm obviously no expert but just some cursory internet research and my experience with crossbreeds (Alaskan Husky) and various rescue terriers vs. my parent's psychotic purebred spaniels has taught me BAD AKC!

  3. The fact that she thinks her experience generalizes out to all shelter pets isn't very intelligent. Also who knows what will happen with the dog she just got.

    I love my dog but I don't think I would torture him (and myself) through years of expensive treatments. Her narrative of those parts really bothered me. I have waited a few days longer with cats twice, and I still cringe at myself for not having them put to sleep sooner. I can't imagine dragging it on for years.

  4. "I got tired of veterinary specialists focusing on the fact that he was fat rather than helping me figure out how to get the dog to sleep at night.

    Five years later, his seizures and pancreatitis got the best of him. Euthanizing him was a relief."

    Seriously? Apparently she missed the message that a less fat dog would have less problems. This is tantamount to saying "The experts were telling me that it was my fault and I could help it a lot by changing my habits, but I didn't want to hear it and when he finally started to suffer too much from my poor choices, I was relieved that he was finally sick enough for me to feel good about putting him down."

    The horror!


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