Friday, June 12, 2015

Pignut Hickory

These nuts keep squirrels in the yard, and those little rascals provide endless entertainment for the terriers.


  1. Squirrels are the reason my JRT Baxter loves life! He's killed two- both on leash- by leaping on to ivy-covered fences and nabbing young ones. He looks up at me with a bug-eyed squirrel in his mouth so full of pride and joy- then he proceeds to shake it to death. He loves squirrels and just saying "squirrel!" gets him excited...

  2. Maybe you should just say 'hickory'. I'm about to plant a sour nut hickory. Nuts of various sorts attract some good critters to have around. There are lots of hickories: Shagbark-, shellbark-, water-, kingnut-, bitternut-, nutmeg-, sand-, red-, mockernut, etc.. Pecans are in the same family. All of them should be encouraged as geographically appropriate.


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