Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Coffee and Provocation

Dogs Used to Sniff Out Child Porn?
Apparently, dogs are being trained to sniff out thumb drives with the idea that they can be used to find hidden caches of child porn.  So far it sounds like it's mostly theory and not much reality.

China Has More Electric Vehicles than the U.S. Has Drivers?
China now has over 200 million electric-vehicle drivers. The surge in electric-vehicles can be traced to the 2002 SARS virus epidemic when mass-transit users became afraid to board a bus. The solution was to buy a 1-horsepower electric motorcycle for $200 to $450. The alternative caught on: In 2013, the Chinese bought 37 million two-wheeled electric vehicles.

Putting the Wild Back into the Water
In 1974, Montana stopped stocking trout in streams and rivers that supported wild trout populations. The result: trout fishing improved dramatically. Once stocking was discontinued, wild trout numbers doubled and tripled.

Leave a Smaller Footprint By Eating Chicken
It's better for the environment and your health.

Too Much Coffee?
The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to consumers that ingesting pure powdered caffeine sold in bulk online is not a great idea. A single teaspoon is equal to 25 cups of coffee.

Free E-Books to Download
Eight sources. Knock yourself out.

Do You Think Most People Pay No Taxes?
Right. And we have a nice bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

Jon Stewart and Jerry Seinfeld Get Coffee
And they drive to coffee in a car that makes the sound of virginity.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to assume that when they talk about dairy in that article about environmental impact of animal farming they are talking about dairy cattle. I'd be interested to see what the numbers are like for goats, although I realize that goat meat, milk, and cheese are not that popular in North America. I feel that goats would be lower impact that cattle because they eat anything, can thrive in more inhospitable environments, and make more efficient use of their feed. On the other hand goats are smaller so overall environmental impact compared to yield of produce may be similar.


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