Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Paint Bombing Your Neighbor for Hunting Trespass?

An elderly deer hunter
who was sprayed with paint while trespassing 8-feet onto a neighbor’s property on opening morning of the 2013 Pennsylvania deer season has had the charges stayed by the State. The charges will be dropped in August if there are no further complaints against him.

Leroy Ogin, age 73, says the landowner who set the paint bomb, 53-year-old Michael Condoluci of Mountain Top, Pennsylvania, never told him he could not use the logging road that winds over their adjoining properties.

Condoluci was also ticketed in the incident on charges of criminal mischief and criminal harassment for allegedly rigging up a trip wire that was attached to an exploding airbag device that discharged the paint bomb. Condoluci also set up the camera trap that recorded the incident, which sprayed permanent red paint on Ogin's hunting clothes and gun, effectively ruining them. It will be interesting to see if Condoluci is charged with assault and is required to pay for replacement equipment.


  1. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and how much I appreciate the information therein. I've save a lot of money because of your blog. Thanks. -Liz

  2. Does anyone know how to get a hold of the gentleman that made the paint bomb? I would like some instructions on building some for my farm. I have a bad problem with poachers and meth heads .


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