Monday, April 14, 2014

Terriermen & Terriers II

John Broadhurst's new book of profiles, interviews and stories of British terriermen is out. It's not cheap at $80, but without a doubt there are pictures and stories here you will not find anywhere else. We've all flushed $80 sometime on a forgettable meal with forgettable people and forgettable drink. Thought of that way, this book is a bargain. The bottom line is that a full-color hard-back print run of 1,200 copes of 286-pages is not cheap to produce!

With a foreward by Lyn Harber, the book profiles 43 living,. and a few dead, terriermen from Colin Didricksen, Jack Price, and Dave Finlay, to Bob Clough and Mick Flower, with dozens of others following each. All are from Britain or France, and a very quick read tells me the essentials, which is that the book is a bit like the Bible in that some terrierman somewhere can be cited to support any position on working terriers, from small to large, and from one breed to no breed at all. Great pictures remind us that not all working dogs are ugly, and that few old workers are as free of shaving cuts as those we see in the show ring!

John said it was fine to put in his North Carolina phone number for folks who want to order a copy, so here it is: 336-650-2044. Order yours!

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