Friday, April 11, 2014

A Very Nice Looker in Rescue

This little fellow is 8 months old and is in rescue in southwest Virginia. I have a note out on him.  Marley came from this same rescue source. Truthfully, this dog looks pretty great, doesn't he?Supposed to be a 12-pound male. Smooth with nice body color. 


  1. Thanks again Pat for the help you extended towards me when I was looking for a dog 4 years ago. I have the best little friend anyone could ask for and it was a direct result of you steering me the right direction. Moochie and I are grateful to have found one another, we both got just what we needed and I know the same is happening for you.

  2. That is one handsome dog for sure. I would want him except I have my little terrier mix already.

  3. Sounds and looks very interesting. Is he with Russell Rescue or a shelter? Can't hurt to ask, right? My newest rescue girl is the sweetest little Jack/Rat I've ever had. I hope you find your new love. I have one of her Christmas Mystery pups left, small, looks like a JRT but he's solid brown. ANd he bays. LOL!

    Debi and the TX Jack Rat Pack.

  4. In an all-breed rescue, not a Russell rescue. Need to physically see him for size, and there's also the question of whether he has stopped growing, chest size, etc. But a damn fine looker on first impression, and there looks to be intelligence in there. So maybe...

  5. He looks promising. My only thought of note is that it might just be the photo but check his teeth. He looks like he has slightly more underjaw than my eye is used to for that photo angle. Might be nothing or he might have a reverse scissor, even, or a slight undershot jaw.

    Happy Hunting

  6. Really nice dog. Hope he's a 'fit'. Your dogs live the good life!


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