Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Miracles Made With Tape and Glue

There are only 124 Kakapos left in the world...   

So when a mother Kakapo crushed one of her own eggs, wildlife experts keepers rolled up their sleeves ... 

... and with tape and glue they pulled off a small miracle...

... and now there are now 125 Kakapos in the world, up from only 50 in 1995..


  1. Just tossing it out there -- maybe there's reason there are only 125 egg smooshing birds left.

  2. Not a crazy question.

    The bottom line is that this is a flightless, ground-nesting parrot endemic to New Zealand that was decimated by human for feathers, but mostly by rats, cats and other imported predators. Most of the animals that have been made extinct in the last 400 years or so are island endemic birds pushed off the cliff by rats and cats.

    Some species, such as the Whooping Crane, however, are really bad parents and seem to be almost **trying** to go extinct.

    A little more on this here >>


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