Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Coffee and Provocation

200-Year Old Whales?
There are whales alive today who were born before Moby Dick was written.  The Smithsonian reports that some of the Bowhead Whales in the icy waters off of Alaska today are over 200 years old.  In the past, a Bowhead Whale in Alaska was found with a 130-year old harpoon point in its side.

Pedi-GREED Dogs
In a malaprop that is almost too perfect, the Times of India, reports on Pedigreed dog shows in that country.  Still waiting for the dog training article from the People's Republic of China advising readers to "wok their dog".

Dog Sterilization Five Times Safer, Faster and Cheaper?
Zeuterin (zinc) sterilization of dogs is now legal in the U.S.  With Zeuterin, five dogs can be sterilized for the price of one surgical sterilization, and five dogs can be sterilized in the same amount of time it takes to surgically sterilize one dog. Zeuterin is also five times safer than surgical sterilization.

Animal Rights or Religious Rights?
Denmark’s Agriculture and Food Minister Dan Jørgensen has signed a regulation banning religious slaughter of animals, saying “animal rights comes before religion.”  The new ban has outraged Jewish and Muslim leaders who argue that killing animals by slitting their throats before stunning them is necessary to meet religious standards.

Meanwhile in Norway...
Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people, is threatening to go on a hunger strike until he gets a newer Playstation.

Snake Bitten by Reality TV
In Middlesboro, Kentucky, Jamie Coots, a snake-handling pastor who appeared on the National Geographic reality television show “Snake Salvation” died Saturday after being bitten by a snake.

The Trolls are Warm in Their Straight Jackets
A new study has found that Internet trolls are sadistic sociopaths. No news here. This blog has a warning set of instructions for commentators. 

Dick Cabela Goes to the Big Hunting Camp in the Sky
Dick Cabela, age 77, has died.  With his brother Jim, Dick Cabela created a $3.6 billion hunting and outdoor sports company that now has 50 retail stores across the U.S. and Canada.

A Clean Stream from this Machine?
A massive hole-boring machine operating 100-200 feet below Washington, D.C. is chewing through 2 million cubic yards of soil as it builds a new sewer line for the city.  The sewer line is key to cleaning up the Anacostia River, the Potomac River, and Rock Creek, all of which flow into the Chesapeake Bay. Right now, when storm waters surge, about 2 billion gallons of raw sewage flow directly into these water courses thanks to an ancient combined sewage and storm water system.

888 Kids?
It's said that Moroccan Emperor Moulay Ismael had 888 kids. Scientists have reviewed the claim and, accounting for factors such as sperm aging and ovulation, they say he would have had to have sex 1-2 times a day and have a harem of at least 65 women. In short, totally possible!

Vitruvian Man Had a Hernia
Leonardo da Vinci's perfect man had a hernia. Or at least that's the claim.

Cass Sunstein Has a New Book
Cass Sunstein has a new book out, and it's called Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas.  The back of the cover blurbs are wonderful, as Sunstein simply quotes what the lunatic fringe has said about him in the past.  For the record, Cass Sunstein is OK with me, and I have said so on more than one occasion.

Ex-Rep. Mel Reynolds Arrested in Zimbabwe
Former Illinois Congressman Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress in 1995 after he was convicted of 12 counts of statutory rape, obstruction of justice, and solicitation of child pornography. Now he has been nailed for the same sort of charges in Zimbabwe.

Denial Is Always Proof
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key denies that he is a shapeshifting space alien reptile

When Immigration Reform Becomes Funny as it Fails

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