Tuesday, February 18, 2014

An Owl Man with an Owl Plan

Photo by Katie Glover
My friend Steve Huy releases a snowy owl after banding. 
Steve says that his daughter, Rowan, wanted to catch a snowy owl for her birthday trip to the beach. Steve caught two for her.  Is that a great dad or what? And Rowan?  I have met her, and she is definitely Gryffindor!
The next picture, below is from this weekend's Washington Post article about the current Snowy Owl irruption that has put several of the large birds in Virginia, Maryland, and other points north, south, east and west.  This picture was taken in northern Quebec during the summer, and shows four eggs surrounded by 70 lemming and 8 voles -- food for the soon-to-hatch chicks and their parents. 
Snowy Owls mostly live on lemmings, and their populations rise and crash.  In crash years, the Snowy Owls tend to head south in the winter, looking for food. 

For more information on Project Snowstorm, which is catching, banding, and radio-tracking Snowy Owls for science during this irruption, please see their web site and consider making a donation to the cause. 
By the way, the small radio transmitters carried by the owls are solar-powered -- the first I have heard of that!

1 comment:

  1. "Steve caught two for her. Is that a great dad or what?"

    That's not what the two owls had to say!


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