The Kennel Club world wants us all to operate by Faith Alone -- faith that they are stewards of health (and never mind the disease), stewards of the standards (and never mind that standards are routinely changed).
They do not want us to question breeding dogs in a closed registry (and never mind that neither "your" breed nor "mine" was created in a closed registry), and they do not want to make field work a requirement for a working breed (and never mind the romantic tales told to a gullible public).
Above all, the Kennel Club hates Google and the very notion that anyone would question their core theology, which is that dogs should be judged on looks alone -- not on health, not on temperament, not on work.
The Kennel Club does not want folks to watch Pedigree Dogs Exposed, or go to dog insurance data bases to read about breed health.
The Kennel Club does not want anyone to raise questions about contrived histories hammered together out of dust and feathers, or to ask why racing greyhounds are not Kennel Club greyhounds, or Alaska sled dogs are not Kennel Club huskies, or why shepherds say the test is on the hill.
The Kennel Club world does not want anyone to look up the AKC's relationship with puppy mills and pet shops, nor does it want anyone to question how show ring judges can be experts on 40 breeds and judge them all at with just 15 seconds given to any one dog.
The Kennel Club does not want anyone to ask why the newspapers are full of puppies and the kill shelters are full of dogs, or how it is that coat color, racial purity, sterilization and gas chambers came to replace the notion that a good working dog is never the wrong color.
The Kennel Club does not want you to question. No one does really.
In that sense, priests, politicians, and puppy pushers are all alike. Shut up and pay up. Shovel out the money and the shovel in the dog. Next! Step this way to see The Egress! No pictures please, and no footnotes either. Facts are not needed. A True Believer will requires faith alone.
Yes, God hates facts. Like the fact that the Amish are the largest producers of puppy mill dogs in this country. I found out that their lobbies (yes, they have them) consistently lobby against proposed animal health and cruelty legislation when I was actively involved in anti-puppy mill regs. Thankfully, they don't have much clout up here, that legislation was passed. They sure as heck have the clout in PA, IA, OH etc. Any time I see them cropping up to illegally peddle their poor puppies...they don't display much Christian good will. In fact, they lie like rugs. We caught a group renting a group of houses to make it look like they were simply back yard breeders. They were shipping up the dogs late at night and peddling them out of their fake homes (short term rentals), quite a network they had going on. They take horrible care of their animals, so happy they got shut down here. The AKC does nothing but help them flourish. Disgusting practices.