Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Boiling World of Animal Migration

Birds fly south for the winter, by they also fly east and west as well, and some birds, such as penguins, even swim their migration routes.

Sharks, tuna, whales, and turtles circle ocean basins in great seasonal arcs. Plankton chases the sun, and the plankton, in turn, is chased by sardines, which are chased by larger fish and birds.

North American antelope migrate as well as the Arctic caribou and the Africa elephant, the wildebeest and zebra.

Things migrate up and down as well. Elk and bear move from higher altitudes to lower altitudes with changes in season, while squid and jelly fish move from lower depths to the upper layers for daily feeding.

Even insects migrate, from lower elevation to higher, with some, such as monarch butterflies and dragon flies, crossing continents and even oceans.

This planet of ours is boiling with animal migration.  The video at top is just one part of eight segments to Winged Migration.  Check the whole thing out; you will not be disappointed.

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