Friday, November 11, 2011

Teddy Roosevelt in Africa with Jack Russell

This is video of Teddy Roosevelt in Africa in 1909, the year after his first term, when he decided being President was not nearly as fun as hunting.

Teddy spent a year in Africa hunting lion, elephant, rhino and other animals, many of which ended up in U.S. museum collections.

The Jack Russell shows up about eight seconds in. Teddy is in the opening clips on the far left being presented (I believe) cigars or perhaps a hand gun. At .46 we see a wooden ferris wheel of the kind they still have in some parts of the world, such as rural India.

The film at the front of the clip was taken in Kenya (Mombassa and Nakuru) and then at 3:05 we have Zulu women and children at a water well which is the start of South Africa footage which continues right through to the end.   Parts two, three and four are at links.

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