Friday, November 04, 2011

Coffee and Provocation

Sarcasm is where all the black goes.

Pet Armor is Frontline at Half the Price:
Started by former Merial executives, Pet Armor is available over the counter and at half the price as Frontline.  Yes, this is what happens when medicines (or insecticides) go off-patent. 

Caffeinated Jerky:
Awesome idea, and our military is banking on it.

Hunting Season Is Over?
Hunting season is over for the Higgs boson.  I had no idea there was a season.  And what the hell is a Higgs boson?

Carrying the Weight:
It turn out that e-knowledge has a weight. Filling a 4GB Kindle to its storage limit increase its weight by a billionth of a billionth of a gram, or 0.000000000000000001g, which is approximately the weight of a small virus. The equivalent number of books – about 3,500 – would weigh approximately two tons. I am going to get a Kindle Fire when they come out. I really am.

A New Unit of Time:
A new unit of time has been created.  A “Kardashian” is a unit of measure representing 72 days of marriage.  If you want to know how many Kardashians you have been married for, check out the calculator hereI have been married for 141.68 Kardashians!

The Top Ten Largemouth Bass Spots in the Country:
Here's the list and at #10 is the Potomac River below my house.  Nice!

There's Old Growth Forest In New York City?
Apparently there's a little of it left at the New York Botanical Garden.

1 comment:

  1. I've been married a HUGE butt-load of Kardashians!

    Seahorse ;)


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