Monday, November 07, 2011

The Cary Grant Pocket Terrier

The Cary Grant Pocket Terrier is very rare now.


  1. Is that a Jack Russell in your pocket or... um, never mind.

  2. Where can I get me one of those...

    Kinda gorgeous photo, but mostly because of Cary. Thanks, Terrierman. I continue to enjoy your blog so very much.


  3. Isn't that the dog from Bringing Up Baby? ;)

  4. I am not sure which puppy this is, or exaclty when this picture was taken. The adult terrier in Bringing Up Baby was a dog named Skippy, and he was the same dog that was named "Asta" when he starred in the "Thin Man" series. Skippy was trained by Rudd Weatherwax, who also trained Lassie. See


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