Saturday, May 07, 2011



... and more brilliance.


  1. To my mind, all true. And though closed minds rarely open, and the hard-core GOP 30% will never vote for Obama, I also think that getting out the news of all of the accomplishments of the Obama Administration to date is not a high priority of the current White House. Sadly, in our lazy and ad-driven culture, this could lead to a fabulous one-term presidency and a missed opportunity to secure a second term. I can only hope the GOP field remains pathetic, because tooting-ones-horn is not "no drama Obama's" style.


  2. Bill Maher.. PETA supporter who said:"To those people who say, `My father is alive because of animal experimentation,' I say `Yeah, well, good for you. This dog died so your father could live.' Sorry, but I am just not behind that kind of trade off." Bill Maher, PETA celebrity spokesman.
    I wanted to hope he was kidding.. he wasn't..

  3. No Maher was NOT kidding -- he's on the board of PeTA which tell you he also would not know a scam organization if it bit him in the ass. Of course, before Maher was praising Obama for being a tough guy, he was bashing him for being a weakling, and before he was saying health care was about making the right choices, he was for legalizing drugs. Not a deep thinker, but a free-form critic who says what he thinks will get a laugh and applause, and that changes every day. One of the great things about PeTA supporters is that we will all eventually watch them die of a sickness that they heped prevent the cure of. And yet, like a blind pig, he is not always wrong.



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