Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Crashes and Loses 30 Hours of Posts

Blogger crashed, system-wide, across the world, and 30 hours of posts were lost, including my post (the only important one in the entire world!) on pet shop puppy demographics and the comments to same.

I am not complaining -- I am grateful for this free service from a stellar company that almost always gets it done right. That said, to Google's old moral code ("Don't be evil") let me add another:  Don't fuck up the computer code.  That's the job of us civilians.

On the upside, I am told the lost posts will be recovered in a day or two. 

We shall see.

In the interim let me suggest reading this article about putting all your eggs in one basket:

The same week that Google made its strongest pitch ever for putting your entire business online, one of its flagship services has failed spectacularly.

Earlier this week, Google rolled out a maintenance release for its Blogger service. Something went terribly wrong, and its Blogger customers have been locked out of their accounts for more than a day. Google’s engineers have been frantically working to restore service ever since, although they haven’t shared any details about the problem.

Once this puppy is proven stable again (yes that was a pun), I will post more cool stuff. Maybe.


  1. Good thing I read it before it POOFED! The one store I didn't see mentioned was Doktor's Pet Centers. I think they may have folded long ago, but that was our local mall pet store, stuffed full of puppy mill puppies. My mom bought a lovely parvo puppy there. Cost her a TON to save him. Never give your money to a vendor that can't spell.

    Seahorse ;)

  2. Lost one post on the *naughty* blog.. (It was almost dog related), and it returned yesterday afternoon, as promished.


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